
The Hip Lift Technique was developed by Sam Sodano over a six-year period starting in 2007. Sam tested his theories on Decho Kraev and Bree Watson, who became 3 Time U.S. Rhythm Champions using the Hip Lift Technique.

Unlike other American Rhythm videos, where a variety of differing approaches, personal opinions, or choreography are presented, our online HLT Training Series is a comprehensive technique that applies to all five Rhythm dances. This inter-related technique is designed to efficiently train dancers at all levels from top professional competitors to teachers and students.

  • Warm up drills designed to hone the components of the basics.
  • A clear detailed breakdown of the HLT method and how it applies to the basics for each dance.
  • A comprehensive demonstration that not only explains ‘what to do’ but what ‘not to do’ to effectively dance the HLT method.
  • A full description of the use of the standing foot, and leg, the moving foot and leg and the every so important- ‘in between’ of each step.
  • A clear demonstration of the “Three Delays”- the delays of the foot, knee, and hip - essential components of the Hip Lift Technique.
  • A meticulous breakdown of the foot-driven, knee- driven and standing –hip- driven hip lift.
  • A verbal and visual demonstration that distinguishes the difference between Latin and Rhythm in steps such as chasses, fwd. and back locks, and back checks.
  • A demonstration of upper body positon and movement and how it correlates to the lower body.
  • A demonstration danced to music by 3X time U.S. Champions, Decho Kraev and Bree Watson that visually summaries all the teaching points.
  • A technique that is recognizable to the judges as American Rhythm.

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